Tuesday, June 29, 2010

More about Kevin’s solution…..

Excerpt from article by Michael Cantellano: Good job Costner, you’ll definitely be going down in history along with your brother for saving us from a major oil disaster. At the following link:

See video and article entitled: Gulf Cleanup Generating Jobs in Northern Nevada by Ed Pearce, at the following link:

Excerpt from comment by Edward Heller: I'll give you all a head start on containment: Step One: Stop using dispersant to hide the spill underwater where they can't get at the oil to clean it up. It's just making the problem worse. Step Two: Get as many empty supertankers over to the gulf ASAP and fit them with several of Kevin Costner's oil separator machines to process and collect the oil. Step Three: Repeat Step Two until you've emptied the well, or until the relief wells are drilled to finish the job. At the following link:

Excerpt from article by Matt Robare: Meanwhile, unlike McCartney, O'Donnell and Redford who urge political action, Kevin Costner has funded the development of machines which can aid tremendously in the clean up, using centrifuges to separate up to 99 percent of oil from water, despite prohibitive federal regulations preventing them from being developed. Costner has contributed money to Al Gore's past campaigns and campaigned for Obama in Colorado. At least one celebrity is doing something useful regarding the spill. At the following link:

Excerpt from comment by SirDude: American's, when challenged, have proven to be the most innovative and creative people on earth. I'm glad to see Obama finally listening and trying some of the things that American inventors have been submitting to the crisis in the Gulf, such as Kevin Costner's device. Just sad that it took so long.

Excerpt from blog by Libby Spencer: Oil on the water as far as the eye can see along the Mississippi shoreline, but not a single oil skimmer in sight. People laughed when Kevin Costner came forward, but trial runs proved his centrifuges work and BP ordered 32 of them. Good to see Costner finally get some respect and a return on his 20 years of investment. And this is pretty shocking. The dispersants appear to be the wild card in the clean up operations. They were used in Alaska on the Exxon Valdez spill and nearly everyone who worked on the that clean up is dead. Average age of death was 51 years old. At the following link:

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