Wednesday, June 9, 2010

More from Kevin’s testimony on Capitol Hill…..

See the pictures of Kevin from the hearing at ‘Kevin Costner’s Scrapbook’ fan website, at the following link:

More pictures of Kevin from the hearing at the following link:

Four pictures of Kevin from the hearing but Dan Hopper wrote some crap that you may want to ignore. Then again, you may want to leave him a comment, at the following link:

Eight pictures: Kevin Costner Testifies At House Science Committee On Oil Clean Up at the following link:

Thirty-one pictures of Kevin at House Science Committee On Oil Clean Up at the following link:

Picture of Kevin, click on it for larger version and article worth reading at the following link:

I was able to watch the webcast of Kevin’s testimony. Both Annie and Lily were there with Kevin. Annie sat behind and off to the side of him and several times she gave him notes to help with his answering of questions. One of the Committee members commented as to Kevin being just like them, having aides who slip them notes to help them know what they're talking about. Laughter followed. Lily was in the second row. A woman came up to Kevin before he sat down - I suspect it might have been a fan who it seemed offered verbal support and some pats on his shoulder. She’s the woman with the long white hair seen in a picture with Kevin.

I didn't like, however, that two of the Doctors on the panel tried to downplay the idea of testing Kevin's machines and other peoples' machines in this real life disaster! Instead they said it should be a test in a controlled situation, that is, dump some oil in the ocean and see if it can clean it up! I almost couldn't believe my ears but they were really saying it! So I was calling them "stupid!" Wish they could have heard me!! LOL!! The members of the committee, I hope, were thinking the same thing I was! The committee members were rightfully the ones saying that it would make sense to test the machines now in the real life situation rather than wait and at a later date dump oil in the ocean just to see if it can clean it up!

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