Wednesday, September 28, 2011

KC & MW played second USO Concert in Germany....

According to the article by Amy Sciarretto, "Kevin Costner and his rock/country band Modern West performed their second USO concert for troops and their families stationed in Germany today! It took place today at United States Army Garrison Ansbach, Germany" on Tuesday, September 27th.

*modernwest - Kevin Costner & MW tweeted: A special thank you to @the_USO for allowing us to perform in support of our troops!
Bryan Rios commented: Kevin costner blew my daughter a kiss and pointed at her no mistake about it and the camera crew filmed her

See the poster for the US Army Garrison Ansbach USO concert poster:

Pictures: Kevin Costner & Modern West, Katterbach, Germany-Sept. 27, 2011!/media/set/?set=a.294582920557824.92923.125607387455379

Excerpt by ambardpl on September 23, 2011: I noticed that Kevin is coming to Ansbach and giving a concert. I know. Who knew he could sing. Right? I went to pick up a free ticket today. There were 4 left.

Website for US Army Garrison Ansbach, Germany:

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