VIDEO: Jack Ryan : Auburn by ESPN CreativeWorks· Published December 31, 2014
VIDEO: Jack Ryan : Auburn by ESPN CreativeWorks· Published December 31, 2014
Picture by thomaspeople92 - Bregy #kevincostner #actor #acteur #paris #france #cinema #film #tournage #star #people #best #legende #movie
Guillaume Roussel Scoring McG’s ‘Three Days to Kill’ Posted: October 10, 2013 by filmmusicreporter
Picture by lastactionhero88 - Pietro Ricci: 'Three Days To Kill'
Matt Catanzano @MattCatanzano tweeted: Kevin Costner only had a long KILL. #3Days
Picture of the event with Air Force One:
Andy Herrin @AndyHerrin tweeted: @DanClarkEsq My only regret in life is that the day I got to hang with Kevin Costner, I had a goatee... (Posted December 10th)
Picture by sarahmonline Such a nice guy. Went to dinner at a quiet restaurant with my dad and who walks in behinds us...Kevin Costner. One of mine and my dads absolute favorites. Such a pleasure meeting him, his wife is also so sweet :) (Posted December 10th)
Jeffery T Prentiss commented: I was in that movie, (Tin Cup) took the whole month off work to be part of it, and the CAST PARTY afterwards..met Kevin Costner, gave his son a Championship Rockets Basketball for something to remember he was here in Houston. $50 a day is what I earned, but wil never forget all the fun, and experience in what I was, made for the movies. (Posted December 11th)
Jeff Boutwell @jeffboutwell79 tweeted: Just saw a car with the license plate "KEVCFAN" and the frame said "I'd brake for Kevin Costner". Hmmm... (Colorado Springs, CO) (Posted December 11th)
Southern CleatChaser @cleatchasin33 tweeted: @USA_Ballgent @BallMovieQuotes @true_ball Kevin Costner on the left 😎 (Posted December 13th)
Erika Germanotta @Gagasbooty tweeted: @SarahMOnline me & Kevin Costner (Posted December 14th)
Elaine Geherty commented: Kevin & Me. (Posted December 17th)
Mary Natividad- Tupaz commented: Kevin costner - This is my bodyguard! (Posted December 17th)
Liana Bevacqua @lianaaabevacqua tweeted: Why was Kevin Costner in the gap when I was working and I didn't know. 😑 (Posted December 18th)
ΨΟΟΔΖΥ @ewoodsy tweeted: Did I mention Kevin Costner came in the store yesterday. (Kitson) (Posted December 19th)
Pat Gallagher @pat_gallagher tweeted: I see that Kevin Costner & @modernwest R coming to the D.C. area 4/17/14 Loved his show in 2009! #FunInterview (Posted December 20th)
A picture I hadn't seen before, Kevin in 1999 with Sandy Koufax at a Pediatric Aids Benefit:
Kevin with Mark Harmon on Hollywood Sox baseball team:
Pictures by princessbrenda72 - Brenda Fields: Indiana State Fair:
Digital Spy Movies @dsatthemovies Picture of the day: Oliver Stone directs Kevin Costner during #JFK's "back and to the left" scene
Timeline of CSUF history by Jessica Rubio, Orange County Register, Santa Ana, CA August 21, 2013: 1992: Football team plays its final game. Sports complex opens with alumnus Kevin Costner throwing out the first ball in the baseball facility. Commencement marks the first event in the multipurpose stadium.
CSUF Mihaylo @CSUFMihaylo tweeted: #TBT Kevin Costner’s ’78 (marketing) Titan Yearbook photo! via @ASICSUF (Posted November 21st)
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Prepare Spot by Paramount Pictures Published on Dec 25, 2013
Kenneth Branagh Directs and Stars as Villain in Thriller 'Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit' by, December 26, 2013:
Marython @Marython88 tweeted: New trailer for @DraftDayMovie with my costars @denisleary & Kevin Costner! I'm a dot in the 'OSU' Stadium at :53 (Posted December 23rd)
jonathanjoseph @jonathanjoseph tweeted: I can't wait to see that Kevin Costner movie Draft Day. Like Jerry Maguire but for an NFL GM. (Posted December 23rd)
Mark Sipos @Draft4Mark tweeted: I'm in this “@NOTSCCleveland: The trailer for Draft Day, a major motion picture film featuring your Cleveland Browns (Posted December 24th)
Jim Pagels @jimpagels tweeted: The theater just played three Kevin Costner movie previews in a row. This is a bigger three-peat than the Miami Heat. (Dallas) (Posted December 25th)
Bill Rini @billrini tweeted: Went to see Wolf of Wall Street today. Kevin Costner starring in three of the trailers. Did I miss the news of a Costner comeback? (Posted December 25th)
Logan Johnson @loganmagic tweeted: 3 out of 7 trailers feature Kevin Costner #COMEBACK (Posted December 25th)
Schneid Miser @SchneidRemarks tweeted: I have seen Kevin Costner's face on posters for three different films today because apparently my movie theater is located in 1995: (Posted December 25th)
Chris Hampshire @cjhampshire tweeted: @BillSimmons How about Kevin Costner as a future BS Report guest? He's got a new sports movie coming out. Easily a strong 2 parter right? (Posted December 26th)
'Draft Day' picture of Kevin:
beth @bethisking tweeted: Dads song is being used in the new Kevin costner movie 👌 (Posted December 26th)
Tickets go on sale today at noon EST. This event is 21 and over
The Rams Head On Stage website:
Michael Abromowitz @FootballExpert tweeted: Saw Draft Day trailer starring Kevin Costner. Could tell many scenes shot at Browns facility including cafeteria. (Posted December 23rd)
SpaceCityBrownsFan @Browns_Fan32 tweeted: Every Kevin Costner sports movie is a Gem, so I can only imagine what Draft Day is going to be like. #DraftDay (Posted December 23rd)
Kevin Costner stars as Cleveland Browns GM in NFL movie ‘Draft Day’ By Frank Schwab:
Laura Tennyson shared Terence Blanchard's album: "Black & White" Recording Session. Saw some of the clips of Kevin Costner's new movie Black & White at Terence's scoring session today. It's a beautiful film about a dad (Kevin Costner) trying to gain custody of his bi-racial daughter. The music and story is beautiful. Check out some pics. At Esplanade Studios.
Translated: This is Lenny , the man on the side of Kevin Costner for 'Three Days To Kill'
'Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit' movie website:
VIDEO: The First TV Spot for Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Source: Paramount Pictures December 21, 2013. Based on the Jack Ryan character created by bestselling author Tom Clancy, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit is a contemporary action thriller set in the present day. Opening in theaters and IMAX on January 17, 2014.
Two new images from DRAFT DAY Starring Kevin Costner by Peter Dimako:
Kevin Costner & Jennifer Garner Feature In First Images From ‘Draft Day’:
Raul Aguilar @geekymuffin73 tweeted: About to go watch a early screening of The Draft. A Kevin Costner movie where the General Manager of (Posted 4pm December 17th)
Erin Fitzgerald @ErinFitzgerald tweeted: Well Kevin Costner just walked by me while i am chillin with @KungFuScorpion @ a starbuks #sothathappened (Posted 4:04pm December 17th)
The Birchmere, America's Legendary Music Hall website:
Kevin Costner Embraces His Dark Side in the '3 Days to Kill' Poster By Matt McDaniel Check out the first poster reveal for "3 Days to Kill," and come back to Yahoo Movies on Tuesday at noon ET/9 am PT for the exclusive trailer premiere.
ARTICLE: ’3 Days to Kill’ Trailer: Kevin Costner Realizes Family Time Can Be Murder by Jacob Hall December 17, 2013:
VIDEO: 3 DAYS TO KILL Official HD Trailer Premiere With Kevin Costner by Yahoo Movies:
'Three Days To Kill' is in U.S. theaters February 21, 2014.
VAJA commented: Kevin Costner & I at the "One Night for the Love of Our Country" Fundraiser Event last night with a Live Performance by him & @ModernWest. (Posted December 16th)
Kevin Costner & MW @modernwest tweeted: The Angels came down. #rockandroll #airforceone #kcmw #reaganlibrary #runway (Posted December 16th)
Kevin Costner & Modern West commented: Last night's set list. Ronald Reagan Library. #rockandroll #kcmw
Sara Beck commented: I joined Modern West in singing for the Gold Star moms and wounded warriors last night at Reagan National Library. It is truly humbling to know the sacrifices soldiers and their families make for people they will never meet. It was a really special night I was proud to be a part of. — with Buster Allen and Park Chisolm.
'Kevin Costner performs at Reagan Library in support of veterans' by Jeffrey Dransfeldt, Ventura County (Calif.) Star Published: December 16, 2013:
Pictures at this link, evidently but you need a subscription to view them:
Stuart Brazell commented: Off to interview Kevin Costner and Adam Corolla - send me your questions and happy Sunday! (Posted 2:59pm December 15th)
Marsha Collier @MarshaCollier tweeted: Here for the Navy Seals Family Foundation fundraiser #loveofourcountry (Kevin Costner is here) (at @ronaldreagan40) (Posted 5:59pm December 15th)
Brett Schulte @brettschulte tweeted: Navy Seal benefit dinner tonight. Kevin Costner and his band perform. Should be interesting. #hollywood (Posted 6:00pm December 15th)
Michael Grecco @michaelgrecco tweeted: Beautiful sky, headed to the Reagan Library for an event with Kevin Costner. #me #kevincostner… (Posted 6:34pm December 15th)
Michael Grecco @michaelgrecco tweeted: Air Force One hangs over our table at the Reagan Library for an event with Kevin Costner. #me… (Posted 7:24pm December 15th)
mad-day @huggablestyles tweeted: I JSUT MET KEVIN COSTNER WHO PLAYS SUPERMANS DAD IN MAN OF STEEL (Posted 8:04pm December 15th)
mad-day @huggablestyles tweeted: WOW KEVIN COSTNER AKA THE DAD IN MAN OF STEEL WAS SO SCRUFFY AND BEAUTIFUL UP CLOSE (Posted 8:05pm December 15th)
RedBaron Strategy @RedBaronUSA tweeted: Hooyah. @MarshaCollier Here at Navy #SEALS Family Foundation fundraiser w/ @CurtButhman @BrettSchulte Kevin Costner (Posted 8:34pm December 15th)
Marsha Collier @MarshaCollier tweeted: @heykim Great event. Kevin Costner & @adamcarolla @Adamcare here too #loveofourcountry (Posted 8:39am December 15th)
Michael Grecco @michaelgrecco tweeted: With Adam Corolla at the Reagan Library for an event with Kevin Costner. We used to work together at… (Posted 9:15pm December 15th)
Brett Schulte @brettschulte tweeted: Kevin Costner rocking! #forloveofcountry (Posted 9:32pm December 15th)
Curt Buthman commented: Watching @kevincostner at the #loveofourcountry benefit. At the Regan Library @marshacollier
Brett Schulte @brettschulte tweeted: Kevin Costner. #navyseals #forloveofcountry (Posted 9:43pm December 15th)
Entertainment TVMag @Insidelooktvmag tweeted: @modernwest w/ #KevinCostner on stage right now @ #Loveforourcountry #Benefit #Charity #celebrity #Singer #Exclusive (Posted 9:44pm December 15th)
maddy ☕️ @omgomaddygraves tweeted: hello kevin costner i love you (Posted 9:49pm December 15th)
maddy ☕️ @omgomaddygraves tweeted: currently jamming to kevin costner and his band Posted 9:54pm December 15th)
Michael Grecco @michaelgrecco tweeted: Kevin Costner performs at the Love of Our Country event tonight. He was pretty good actually. #me… (Posted 9:54pm December 15th)
Valerie Westfall @RidingWithVW tweeted: THANKS Kevin Costner & Modern West for aiding soldiers who secure the land of the free & home of the brave. @modernwest #loveofourcountry (Posted 10:03pm December 15th)
Fast Company @FastCoMusic tweeted: Kevin Costner (Posted 10:32pm December 15th)
Nataline Lily @mycupofchai tweeted: My dad just met Kevin Costner and he is so excited, it's so cute (Posted 10:52pm December 15th)
Brett Schulte @brettschulte tweeted: Amazing night with Navy Seals and Kevin Costner shot on Moto X! (Posted 11:06pm December 15th)
Click On This Show @clickonthisshow tweeted: Actor/singer Kevin Costner jams out with his band @modernwest to support the troops… (Posted 11:15pm December 15th)
Annie Hickey Valle commented: Hanging out w Kevin Costner — at Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.
Video by Stuart Brazell: Kevin Costner takes the stage!
The Twin River Casino website:
Picture by gaugance - Shannen Ko #kevincostner #la #grove #tuesday (Posted December 10th)
Alain Diaz commented: So last night at Cheesecake Factory I served Melissa Joan Hart of Sabrina the Teenaged Witch & Clarissa Explains it All fame and her husband. Super nice woman, and good tipper. Also had Kevin Costner at a table next to my section. (Posted December 11th)
The Cheesecake Factory at The Grove:
Daniel Moncada @DanielMoncada80 tweeted: #OnSet for #McFarland with @koolaidrafa getting My nails did (Posted November 13th)
Natalia Cordova @YOSOYCORDOVA tweeted: Valles Family... #McFarland @carlospratts Wonderful working with you all! (Posted October 18th)
Picture by chelsearendon - Chelsea Rendon Working with Kevin has been an amazing experience! Not only is he a great actor, but he is even better person. Just watching him on set has taught me so much. I am so blessed to be able to work with such talent!
Monica Lugo @monislugo tweeted: So glad I saw kevin Costner today in the flesh (Posted November 21st)
Preston @PrestoParsons tweeted: Headed down to LA for the week! 😃🇺🇸👍 #movieset #McFarland (Posted November 24th)
Dennis J. Depew Jr. commented: Had a chat with Kevin Costner today. We spoke about going to rival High Schools in Visalia. (Posted November 25th)
Game Changing Films @GameChangingFlm tweeted: Another beautiful day on set! #mcfarland #setlife #pacificocean (Posted November 25th)
MariaBello Assistant @AsPerMaria tweeted: Here's the beautiful @maria_bello hard at work on the set of #Mcfarland :-) great pic! (Posted November 25th)
Rafael Martinez @koolaidrafa tweeted: We have one of the hardest working cast and crew out there! Thank God for all of them. #McFarland #GameChangingFilms (Posted November 26th)
Game Changing Films @GameChangingFlm tweeted: Coach Ellis just beat Coach Mike in a race...We'll never hear the end of it... #mcfarland (Posted November 26th)
Linda Adams @lpadams_ tweeted: My nephew's status : he's on set today with Kevin Costner. Go Josh go! @thejoshuacooper (Posted November 26th)
margaritareyes @margaritareyes tweeted: On the set of "McFarland" starring Johnny Ortiz (left), Hector Duran (right), and Kevin Costner. (Posted November 27th)
Roger Giltner commented: day off sittn watchin tv while roger is spending day with Kevin Costner. where did I go wrong
Connor Weil @ConnorWeil tweeted: #mcfarland tells the story of Coach Jim White and his family. Jim, Cheryl, costar Tyler Sellers, and I #CoachBlanco (Posted November 27th)
Connor Weil @ConnorWeil tweeted: Just wrapped shooting the #Disney movie #mcfarland. Such a great couple of weeks. (Posted 4:59pm November 27th)
Joe Dub @THEJoeDub tweeted: Pleasantly surprised after receiving the check for my 2nd of 4 days of acting on #Disney's #McFarland. Meal penalty+overtime+double-time=😌👌 (Posted November 27th)
Ricky Flowers Jr @RickyFlowersJr tweeted: Up early getting ready to head to set for filming! Getting it in early #filming (Posted 5:40am December 6th)
Ricky Flowers Jr @RickyFlowersJr tweeted: Working on set with Kevin Costner today! Man I love meeting new people! (Posted 10:38am December 6th)
Ricky Flowers Jr @RickyFlowersJr tweeted: Wrapped at 530 but took forever to get home. O la traffic how I love you lol. (Posted 7:13pm December 6th)
VIDEO: Trace Adkins - The Christmas Show Preview by Trace Adkins Published on Nov 21, 2013
VIDEO: Trace Adkins & Lily Costner Sing 'Silent Night' at Stanley Theater Christmas Show 11-22-13
"Tannenbaum" Trace Adkins performed live with Lily Costner - "The Kings Gift " by ichiban2592007 Published on Nov 21, 2013 - Trace Adkins performed Tannenbaum on Fox & Friends
VIDEO: Lily Costner Sings "I'll Be Home For Christmas" by Lori Sedlacek Published on Nov 23, 2013 - Lily Costner singing "I'll Be Home For Christmas" in Sewell, NJ on November 23, 2013. Part of Trace Adkins' Christmas tour.
ARTICLE: Oh, Mallie-Mae by Lily Costner by Dayne Shuda November 25th, 2013:
See the picture and article: CONCERT REVIEW: Trace Adkins and Christmas songs are a good match after all at Sands Bethlehem Event Center Posted by John J. Moser:
VIDEO: Kevin Costner at the 'Good Morning America' studio in New... by SuperPopVIP Published on Nov 29, 2013 Kevin Costner at the 'Good Morning America' studio in New York, NY, on 6/10/13.
VIDEO: Kevin Costner at the 'Good Morning America' studio in New... by SuperPopVIP Published on Nov 29, 2013 Kevin Costner at the 'Good Morning America' studio in New York, NY, on 6/10/13.
VIDEO INTERVIEW - Kevin Costner talks about his childhood superhero dreams at 'Man Of Steel' World Premiere by SuperPopVIP Published on Nov 29, 2013 Arrivals at Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center on June 10, 2013 in New York, New York
VIDEO: Kevin Costner & Christine Baumgartner depart Pacific Design Center in West Hollywood by MagazineTV Published on Nov 28, 2013 Kevin & Christine have a fantastic night out in WeHo, Nice!
In conversation with Diane Lane and Kevin Costner by Golda Bowlus Published on Nov 8, 2013
‘Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit’ Preview: The Brainy Bourne Experience by Kofi Outlaw:
John Debney to Score Ivan Reitman’s ‘Draft Day’ Posted: November 25, 2013 by filmmusicreporter
Picture by _angelina_26: Disney filming across the street (Posted November 13th)
Picture by _angelina_26: hahaha I walked by lol they had all the bells and whistles but they gonna be here for the eest of the week. They gonna use my house for a scene well just our driveway lol (Posted November 13th)
Hispanic Faces commented: congrats to one of our Talent who got a feature speaking role with Kevin Costner in his upcoming film! (Posted November 14th)
_Angelina_26 @aangie26p tweeted: I look like shit but I had to get a photo with the talented #KevinCostner (Posted 11:49am November 14th)
_Angelina_26 @aangie26p tweeted: So I found out the movie is called McFarland and apparently this is kevin costner (Posted November 14th)
Picture by tacoselcazador - Tacos El Cazador Throwback Thursday, during the movie production of the new Disney film 'McFarland' in theaters November 2014
Picture by thomaspeople92 - Bregy #kevincostner #actor #acteur #paris #france #cinema #film #tournage #star #people #best #legende #movie
Paul Roberts: I'm working with Kevin Costner tomorrow. Nice! (Posted November 18th)
Steve Lanthripp see you there (Posted November 18th)
Paul Roberts commented: Ready for my not so close up — at Will Rogers State Historic Park. (Posted 7:36am November 19th)
Will Rogers State Historic Park:
Paul Roberts commented: Nice day on the set of Mcfarland. Thanks to Kevin Costner and crew for a fun day. We'll see you bright and early again tomorrow! Get some rest everyone. (Posted 8:58pm November 19th)
Paul Roberts commented: Let's do this — at Will Rogers State Beach. (Posted 5:51am November 20th)
Will Rogers State Beach:
Paul Roberts commented: It's a lot more than a glimpse. We work scenes with him (Posted 7:17am November 20th)
Paul Roberts commented: Good morning from pacific palisades (Posted 8:14am November 20th)
Paul Roberts commented: Day 2 complete on McFarland with Kevin Costner. Great location and good friends to work with! (Posted 8:22pm November 20th)
Filming in California: McFarland, starring Kevin Costner, is filming at 990 N. Allen Ave, Pasadena. by Christine (Posted November 21, 2013)
Dallas Malloy That was awesome--totally agree--go see Black and White when it comes out people! And it was such a pleasure meeting Kevin Costner, so glad we went Paula Gallucci! Love you! (Posted 11:36pm November 18th)
Fiesta 5 Theatre, 916 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA:
Gretchen Heidemann Whitt commented: My niece was born today, and I saw Kevin Costner outside the Arclight Pasadena. Life is good. — at Arclight Cinemas Pasadena. (Posted 10:11pm November 11th)
Arclight Cinema Pasadena, 336 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA:
'Country to Celtic: Trace Adkins ventures into new genre' by Samantha Madison Excerpt: Kevin Costner and his daughter, Lily Costner, are among the artists appearing with Adkins. He said Lily Costner mentioned something to her father about the album, and he wanted to be a part of it, so Adkins had him featured on “Silent Night.”
Big Frog 104 @BigFrog104 tweeted: Talking with @TraceAdkins about his xmas CD, tour at @StanleyUtica and having Kevin Costner's daughter on tour next (Posted October 21st)
Exclusive: Trace Adkins Talks First Christmas Album, Concert at the Stanley Theater and Christmas Shopping Plans By Polly Wogg, October 21, 2013
Cook Wayne @CookWayne1 tweeted: just left a Pretty awesome, special advanced screening of a new Dir. Ivan Rietman movie. Starring Kevin Costner. NFL sports drama (Posted October 23rd)
Richard Honig @RichardHonig tweeted: Going to an advance movie screening tonight of the new Ivan Reitman film with Kevin Costner. (Posted October 23rd)
More ARQUEONAUTAS pictures:
Justin Roberts @JustinRoberts tweeted: #tbt on set with Kevin Costner (Posted October 24th)
sarahcostner18 Sarah Radtke Throwback to the first time I ever saw Kevin Costner face-to-face! Greatest day of my life!
Picture by danielle_breece - bagelman collage
Sarah Radtke @KevinCostner18 tweeted: Kevin Costner and I! kevincostnerandmodernwest (Posted October 22nd)
Ben Calhoun @bencalhoun tweeted: signed the surf ballroom-find Kevin Costner's signature-look right-see ours #totallynamedroppingrightnow (Posted October 20th)
Audra Greitai @gaudrule tweeted: It was first day at work! :) "hi, I'm Kevin.. " #kevincostner (Posted October 23rd)
Al Moloney @Al_Moloney tweeted: Boo! Going to have to wait even longer for some Kevin Costner & Chris Pine action. @JackRyanMovie now out in UK Jan 31st 2014 #ShadowRecruit (Posted October 23rd)
elif aktug @elifaktug tweeted: #kevincostner ile.. Bir zamanlar.. (Posted November 7th)
Sarah Ryan @PredsWebGirl tweeted: #TBT with Kevin Costner (Posted Novenber 7th)
Vincent GeirnaertKevin Costner & Modern West - Un grand acteur avec qui j'ai eu l'honneur de travailler!
EAF2014 | 24-26 Jan @europeanarchery tweeted: Just emailed Kevin Costner's #Hollywood reps - asking for an appearance at the European Archery Festival! LIKE...
Kevin Costner TD pass to Chris Yates by Chris Yates Published on Nov 7, 2013 During Dallas Cowboys training camp Hollywood Actor Kevin Costner throws this TD pass to Chris Yates
'Man of Steel' pounds its way onto DVD and Blu-ray' by
Rich Heldenfels:
Olga Champion Valladares: So I met the camera crew from the Kevin Costner / aka mr white McFarland teacher !!!! at Lr's Pizza. 707 High St Delano, CA (Posted 2:17pm October 31st)
Manny Villalobos: Workin this private halloween party for cast and crew of McFarland movie! Just served a drink for Kevin Costner!!! I guess it's an ok way to spend a Halloween! I'd still rather be with my kids!! (Posted 8:32pm October 31st, 2013)
Pan Duh commented: I'm too nervous right now. I'm am about to go to a private party with f*&^%$g celebs! =0 Omg there are sooooo many celebrates here tonight !! I need a drink ASAP!!! I question my presence here lol party mode on! F*&^%$g kevin Costner is here (Posted 8:04pm October 31st)
Pan Duh commented: New goal! I wanna start acting now. Being around all these actors and actress has inspired me lol when a director from Disney tells you that you have the look and personality, than it's time to get real in life lol. Best Halloween party ever. (Posted 9:56pm October 31st)
Kevin Martin: The chef at the McFarland movie insisted I take some food to go home with me...mmmm just devoured some Boneless Teriyaki Chicken Breasts with New Potatoes and Brussel Sprouts--and some Tiramisu! FYI --Kevin Costner looks much better in person than photos! Great guy, gonna be a Great movie! (Posted November 1st)
Chelsea Lopez @ChelsL16 tweeted: Such a crazy week! Wouldn't have it any other way though and yes that is Kevin Costner☺️😏 #spiritweek… (Posted November 1st)
Pamela Prado @PamelaPrado559 tweeted: Anyone out there an extra on #Disney's #McFarland? Would love to hear about it! I love Kevin Costner! (Posted November 1st)
Eric Miranda @HomosensualEric tweeted: @MaddyChampagne I know what kinda cave you meant haha. And I saw that you met Kevin Costner. Lucky bitch haha (Posted November 2nd)
Gigi Lawver @georgiapeach389 tweeted: Saw Kevin Costner at Von's so that was cooly👌 #montecitolivin (Posted 8:07pm November 2nd)
Vons Store - 1040 Coast Village Rd, Montecito, CA
Kevin Martin commented: On location in McFarland, this is 1967 graduate of McFarland High School, and an extra and double in the movie--Mrs. Debbie Shick, and of course she is with actor Kevin Costner, The production was filming out where the runners would train on Mast Rd and in Almond orchards. Costner portrays legendary McFarland teacher and coach Jim White in the Disney major motion picture that is slated for release November of 2014. The production was in McFarland for 3 weeks, the crew loved the community and made some great memories in the city that will soon be made famous because of Jim White, and his runners, who won 9 California State Cross-Country Track Championships against all odds! (Posted November 2nd)
Rachel Sandler Hayman commented: Wow- Kevin Costner sighting today at a free event for the kids! Love Montecito!! (Posted 1:17pm November 3rd)
Laurel Foster-Schooler We used to see him walking his dog down by butterfly beach when we lived down that way! I (Posted November 3rd)
Tea in Tiaras · Alice st the Owls in Wonderland Laguna Blanca School event today. She met Kevin Costner and many other wonderful parents and children today! Fun! (Posted November 3rd)
Raul G @c0mpguru tweeted: Pretty cool… Kevin Costner is filming in Central Valley and my dad saw him lol (Posted November 3rd)
Ramon Vargas @DoctahRVargas tweeted: Thinking back, I feel hella dumb I had a conversation with Kevin Costner and didn't know who he was. And I accidently hugged Maria Bella Bwahaha (Posted November 3rd)
I'd Go Back commented: Kevin Costner is driving down Mast Road in McFarland, the vehicle had cameras inside and at every angle in this scene. He even looked like a young coach Jim White, if you didn't know by know, Kevin is portraying coach White in the Disney film entitled "McFarland". Production crews were based in the farming community for 3 weeks and just wrapped up the filming for now at that location. Disney people and production crews have been all over the place eating in local restaurants and shopping in local stores, some had never experience the rural life and said they will miss it! (Posted November 3rd)
IT&LY Hairfashion @ITALY_Hair tweeted: Sending IT&LY Purity Design Hair Care Products to the set of the upcoming film McFarland starring Kevin Costner and Maria Bello! (Posted November 4th) Bill Siemantel @theBBZtv tweeted: Cool day on the water. First I see a deer and then Kevin Costner filming. Hold on I think he want my… (Posted 4:00pm November 5th)
J☝ @jay_andresz tweeted: Dad noticed the guy next table is Kevin Costner. Now I know where I got the skill (Posted November 6th)
Tyler Sellers @TySellers tweeted: Working the kinks out of a scene with Kevin Costner. Pretty special moment for me (Posted 5:02pm November 6th)
Jaye Brown commented: Just confirmed that I will have a supporting role in the upcoming #Disney movie "MacFarland", starring #KevinCostner (acted alongside Whitney Houston in The Bodyguard). I auditioned for this part months ago. It's amazing to know, that if u believe hard enough, dreams do come true. Thank you Jesus! Can't wait to start production. #work #LA #ACTOR #production #onset #TBT #disney #starinthemaking #Postoftheday #POTD (Posted 12:17pm November 7th)
Brandon Avery Smith @bsmithavery tweeted: S/O to my homie @JayeIAM for being casted as a supporting actor in the upcoming #Disney movie "McFarland" starring Kevin Costner!! #DOPE 😎 (Posted November 7th)
Translated: 'A Mexican with Kevin Costner' - Posted on 11/07/2013 by closeupmexico Excerpt: Natalia Cordova...actress cast as part of McFarland, tape currently in filming....I still have eight days of filming and, really, could not reach me at a better time. With Kevin I have a scene towards the end of the movie.
Michael Contreras @Meeka661 tweeted: Kevin Costner outside the office filming. the secretaries all star struck. Bitch get back to your desk and answer my calls. (Posted 11:17am October 30th)
Greg Ursery commented: Got a handshake and a pic with Kevin Costner today seem like a cool cat!! (Posted October 30th)
Greg Ursery commented: At the lil fruit stand on Elmo Cynthia and Miss Cheri I liked Waterworld and The postman he was cool Kay and no Joe he didnt know you also saw his double he was kickin it in ray bans and gave us the whats up (Posted October 30th)
Cynthia Kiki Arismendez commented: He has a good double. We were able to go to their luncheon last week after filming. Lots of football player/actors. (Posted October 30th)
JoLynne Dunlap Hamilton commented: That's awesome. I met him Sunday at the Padre Hotel and he is really down to earth. But I didn't get a photo with go, Greg. (Posted October 30th)
Lynda Halligan @LyndaHalligan tweeted: Just saw Kevin Costner. Sweet! #kbaklive #kbfxlive (Posted 7:51pm October 30th)
Ilian Lopez commented: Yes he is in McFarland filming a movie there. Its surreal going to the pharmacy and Bam! you bump into Kevin Costner (Posted October 30th)
Kimmer Jackson tweeted: He's so handsome! I was a cook at a place he owned years ago! Great guy (Posted October 30th)
Serina @serina765 tweeted: That's pretty cool that Kevin Costner knows my family in McFarland. (Posted October 30th)
Dr. John B. Campise @campisefresno tweeted: I ran against these guys in HS, of course they always beat me, now I feel better, they're making a movie about them! (Posted October 30th)
Picture by I'd Go Back: On the movie set of "McFarland", this is actress Maria Bello with Cheryl and Jim White. Maria is playing the part of Cheryl in the film, of course Kevin Costner is Coach Jim White in the Disney major motion picture, the movie is a drama that is based on a true inspired story of Jim White and the 9 time California State Championship Cross-Country teams at McFarland High School.
Picture by I'd Go Back: Jim and Cheryl White are pictured with one of the head Walt Disney guys on location in McFarland. &set=a.532142953533949.1073741825.111764858905096&type=1&theater
Picture by I'd Go Back: Here are a couple buildings on Kern Avenue in McFarland that have been revamped for the "McFarland" movie, the movie stars academy award winning actor Kevin Costner portraying the legendary cross-country track coach Jim White (blanco) and actress Maria Bello as his wife Cheryl. If you notice the Farmacia is where the old post office was, next to it they have created the Cha-Cha-Cha bar and nite club that was originally down the street to the east and on the north side-- Go McFarland!
Sandra Hernandez @Bit23Little tweeted: Kevin Costner in our little town of McFarland, portraying Coach White filming "McFarland". (Posted October 30th)
Picture by Jose Tito @josetitom Finally got a picture with Kevin Costner along with my homie Sergio.
Picture by Kevin Costner & MW: McFarland the movie. #kcmw #rocknroll #kevincostner #mcfarland #makingmovies #sunburstguitars #produce #modernwest
Annie Miranda commented: Here is the proof of our signatures we got from Kevin Costner and Maria Bello she even personalized Roman's Pocky lol. He can never eat his favorite treat because it will be worth millions of dollars one day it being a japanese product and I am sure someone would want to buy the signature of Costner and Maria Bello one of these days off ebay or something lol Very sore and tired after standing around from 3pm to 2am waiting to get those damn signatures lol
Sherilyn Curti commented: My daughter, Tasha, just has to show up her mother every chance she gets. Last weekend I got a quick view of Robert DeNiro in Las today, she is in downtown Bakersfield at the Padre watching football with friends and sends me a photo of her and her friend Katie...with Kevin Costner. (Posted October 27th)
Gitte Andresen Jespersen commented: One of my School friends has a friend who is a close friend with him (Posted October 27th)
Amanda Duke commented: Sooooooo... William Garrett and I saw Kevin Costner eating at The Padre this morning...but I was too much of a va jay jay to try and take a picture (Posted October 27th)
Tino Rossi @T_RossiCB tweeted: @AshbyNeil I'm in a new movie with Kevin Costner! (Posted October 28th)
Tino Rossi @T_RossiCB tweeted: @AshbyNeil Kevin Costner coaches a high school track team, and I'm on the rival team they upset in the championship duel (Posted October 28th)
The McFarland Movie Fan Facebook page:
Rose Mary Rodriguez commented: Just me, Kevin, Gina Tovar and her daughter and some random people to the side! lol Look at me and Gina all excited, since he is one of our favorite actors!!! (Posted October 25th)
Rose Mary Rodriguez commented: it was the best... he actually had to rub my back to get me to leave his side, indicating it was somebody else's day in 2013, for sure!
Clara Christensen Villanueva commented: It's Kevin Costner he has been here all week long his double does not even look like him at all close up Linda (Posted October 26th)
Picture by gronova7x - Geovonna Casanova: My sexy boyfriend in his track uniform for the Disney movie McFarland.
Picture by randysantaella - Randy Santaella On the movie set of McFarland they have been using my dads 65 Bel Air for two days as a background car. (Posted October 26th)
Pictures by yolie661 - Yolanda Fernandez:
Videos by yolie661 - Yolanda Fernandez:
Danny Venegas @08VbaLLCHaMPs tweeted: Disney producers are gone for the day, so mad I just missed them and Kevin Costner :/ #disney #mcfarland (Posted 5:51pm October 28th)
Edgar Torres Perez commented: Well, my mom finally got to take pics with Kevin Costner. She pushed her way through lol Proud of her. (Posted October 25th)
Edgar Torres Perez commented: Yup, right down the street.
Bob Bender commented: I've been noticing a film grip truck around town this week filming including at the 24th Street Cafe, and the Padre Hotel. I just discovered its a movie that is being shot starring Kevin Costner. I love it when Hollywood comes to Bakersfield! (Posted October 25th)
Heather Hawkins @hhawkins4407 tweeted: Saw Kevin Costner at The Padre while we were getting coffee!! He turned is back just as I took his photo darn it!!! (Posted October 25th)
The Padre Hotel website:
Todd Ellis @ToddEllisSC tweeted: Brother Mark on the set with Kevin Costner in Northern Cali. No way they miss the Carolina game tomorrow though. (Posted October 25th)
Macias @Ayyo_Karlaa tweeted: My grandma passed by kevin costner:O (Posted October 25th)
Yolie @fer9dz661 tweeted: Have our pic with #KevinCostner ohhhhh yaaaa!!!!😱 (Posted October 25th)
Nicole♡. @Nicole_EmilyZ16 tweeted: Wtf everyone is taking a picture w/ Kevin Costner :/ lol (Posted 6:33pm October 25th)
sub comandante toski @TOSKI80 tweeted: Kevin costner in McFarland!!!!!! (Posted October 25th)
Lola @lolatheslush tweeted: I wonder if anyone has taken #KevinCostner to Dewars yet? Hes so close! #bakersfield #Mcfarland (Posted October 25th)
Susana Cervantes @susy_ceRva87 tweeted: Kevin Costner is still in McFarland..this is killing me.. #wanttomeethim (Posted October 25th)
Maggie Cisneros Gonzalez Their filming right now by Dr. Carson's old office !! On Kern Avenue by middle school (Posted 12:22pm October 25th)
Picture by starizlle Today while on the set of... (Posted October 25th)
Tommy Delfin commented: I just love how people tell me hey Tommy send me pictures of Kevin Costner because they always see me over there where they filming the movie lol (Posted October 26th)
selisa @selisagarciaa tweeted: Kevin Costner!!! He waved at me!! Fakkkk! (Posted October 26th)
Laura Solorio-Ramirez: Just saw Kevin Costner He was buying tortillas. (Posted 5:52pm October 26th)
Frito Galvan commented: McFarland I seen Kevin costner up close whooping (Posted 6:55pm October 26th)
Kevin Martin commented: Here is a little glimpse of Kevin Costner in McFarland, filming the McFarland movie, he is talking to his assistants and production personal. They were filming a scene inside El Cazador restaurant--by the way I'd Go Back has featured El Caz in the past- great food! (Posted October 26th)
Kevin Martin commented: Here is Disney's revamp of the old post office on Kern Ave for the McFarland movie! (Posted October 26th)
Kevin Martin commented: Here is a smidge of the trucks and equipment for the McFarland movie, there are tons of Buena Vista Studios and Walt Disney Productions stuff everywhere, carpenters building false fronts on buildings, tons of cars and trucks from the 80's-90's, lots of action in one of my favorite places:) West side of el buen pastor church (Posted October 26th)
Kevin Martin commented: One of the chairs on the McFarland movie set today! (Posted October 26th)
Kevin Martin commented: Love this new McFarland sign! It's Hollywood, they know what looks good. (Posted October 26th)
Picture by gerry159 gerardo gonzalez Today on the mcfarland set with coach white and kevin costner (Posted October 26th)
Picture by randysantaella Randy Santaella Kevin Costner sign my baseball (Posted October 26th)