Thursday, January 30, 2014

Pictures and videos of Kevin in '3 Days To Kill'....

3 Days To Kill ‏@3daystokill tweeted: To live, he has to kill. Kevin Costner is Secret Service Agent Ethan Runner. #3DTK (Posted December 23rd)

3 Days To Kill ‏@3daystokill tweeted: When you work for the agency, it becomes your life. #3DTK (Posted December 30th)

Picture by lastactionhero88 - Pietro Ricci - 'Three Days To Kill'

3 Days To Kill ‏@3daystokill tweeted: Ethan Runner has new priorities for 2014. What are your 2014 priorities? #3DTK (Posted January 1st)

Eric Jacobs ‏@jetpks tweeted: I think Kevin Costner is in every new movie advertised in this theater (Posted January 4th)

3 Days To Kill @3daystokill tweeted: Ethan Runner's New Year's resolution: spend more time with family. #KevinCostner #3DTK (Posted January 6th)

T.C. Matherne III ‏@tcmatherne tweeted: Kevin Costner is killing it at this movie theater. (Posted January 7th) Draft Day and 3 days to kill posters (Posted January 7th)

3 Days To Kill ‏@3daystokill tweeted: Secret Agent Vivi delivers Ethan’s last assignment in 3 Days To Kill. #AmberHeard #3DTK (Posted January 9th)

3 Days To Kill @3daystokill tweeted: Kevin Costner returns to form in 3 Days To Kill. In theaters February 21. #3DTK (Posted January 14th)

3daystokill tweeted: Kevin Costner, and Director McG go over a scene, in this exclusive behind the scenes photo from 3 Days To Kill. #3DTK (Posted January 17th)

3 Days To Kill @3daystokill tweeted: One man’s struggle becomes his only road to survival in 3 Days To Kill. #3DTK (Posted January 22nd)

3 Days To Kill ‏@3daystokill tweeted: Kevin Costner has no time to waste as he hunts for the most dangerous terrorist the agency has ever faced. #3DTK

Sneak Peek: Costner returns with '3 Days to Kill' by Bryan Alexander, USA TODAY

Movie Fanatic ‏@moviefanatic tweeted: The latest 3 Days to Kill trailer has Kevin Costner working “One Last Job” (Posted January 20th)

The L.A. Office ‏@LAOffice tweeted: RT @3daystokill "Kevin Costner returns to form in 3 Days To Kill. In theaters February 21. #3DTK (Posted January 21st)

The Kevin Costner Renaissance Has Only Just Begun By Alexander Huls, January 20, 2014

Alex Kuczynski-Brown ‏@Alexandra_KB tweeted: LA Live parking garage fully supporting the Kevin Costner comeback tour!! (Posted January 24th)

3 Days To Kill ‏@3daystokill tweeted: Exclusive behind the scenes look at Kevin Costner planning out his next action scene in 3 Days To Kill. #3DTK (Posted January 24th)

Julian Liurette ‏@JulianLiurette tweeted: Is Kevin Costner that bored? (Posted January 27th)

Ashlee Holmes ‏@ashleeholmes tweeted: "Wow... Kevin Costner has really become a heartthrob..... that is a... MANLY man..." (Posted January 27th)

3 Days To Kill ‏@3daystokill tweeted: Ethan Runner knows his family commitment is his top priority. #3DTK #KevinCostner (Posted January 27th)

3 Days To Kill ‏@3daystokill tweeted: 1 last job. 2 separate lives. An international spy has one last mission before he can return to a normal life. #3DTK (Posted January 28th)

VIDEO: 3 Days To Kill - Featurette by 3DaysToKill Published on Jan 23, 2014 3 Days To Kill, In Theaters February 21, 2014. #3DTK

3 Days To Kill ‏@3daystokill tweeted: Did you catch the 3 Days To Kill first commercial during the #AFC & #NFCChampionship? Watch it below: (Posted January 19th)

3 Days To Kill - Wolf by 3DaysToKill Published on Jan 18, 2014

3 DAYS TO KILL International Trailer (Kevin Costner, Amber Heard, Hailee Steinfeld) by ClipsTrailerAllNew Published on Jan 30, 2014

VIDEO: Super Bowl Spot of '3 Days To Kill'

Pictures of Kevin in '3 Days To Kill' from various websites:

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Early screenings of 'Draft Day' are happening...

Found a site that is offering free passes to a screening of 'Draft Day' on January 27th in Austin, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Metarie, Portland OR, San Antonio, San Diego, Las Vegas. It says dozens of additional cities to be added before April 10th.

Brandon Marcello ‏@bmarcello tweeted: Florida State attending private screening of Kevin Costner's "Draft Day" tonight in Los Angeles. Seminoles and Auburn tomorro (Posted January 5th)

Robin Wulf: Won free passes to a screening tonight of "Draft Day" with Kevin Costner and Jennifer Garner, opening in April. Good movie about one of my favorite subjects.......FOOTBALL! :-)

Susan Holland: Draft Day holds your interest | Gofobo #6. Draft Day is my kind of football movie. This movie doesn't come out until April 11. I'm happy to see Kevin Costner back in a good movie. Go see it!

Renate Panian Burington commented: The movie is GREAT! - And no, not just because Kevin Costner is in it. I went to see it because of him but I really didn't have much of any expectations. I don't know anything about football or the NFL Draft and could really care less about the sport. To be honest, until a few days ago I didn't know who will be playing in this year's Superbowl or where and when it will be played. As it turns out one does not have to know all the above or be a fan to enjoy the movie. Those who enjoyed "For love of the game" will also love this movie. The majority of the movie centers around the last 12 hours leading to the start of the NFL Draft. While football is obviously the center of the movie it is also about character, honor and integrity. There was suspense, drama yet also a lot of humor keeping us on the edge of our seats. The theater the movie was shown in was rather small and most seats were occupied by members of the press. Throughout the movie the audience cheered, laughed, clapped and screamed. And before we knew it the lights came back on and two hours had gone by. Everybody clapped at the end. A theater employee was writing down first impressions from the exiting audience. All the ones I heard were positive and several people made the statement that a football fan will definitely enjoy it but so will a non-football fan. My coworkers who are all football nuts have tried to explain to me the importance and excitement surrounding the annual NFL Draft and I can now say I understand why! Can't wait to see this movie again. April 11 th for fans in the USA. I give this movie two thumbs up!

BeckyCharms ‏@beckycharms tweeted: I loved loved loved #DraftDay. Kevin Costner surprised me with his pensive and convincing character. It made me interested in football. (Posted January 27th)

That Jaime ‏@jaimeburchardt tweeted: Hey @Pat_Healy, saw #DraftDay earlier this evening with @dtuck318. You had a hell of a scene, good sir. Great job. (Posted January 27th)

Chris Tapia ‏@AlmightyTapia tweeted: Just watched an advanced screening of #draftday. It was entertaining and I enjoyed it, but no way that happens in actual draft. (Posted January 27th)

Dinorah Gonzalez ‏@DinorahSays tweeted: Screened @DraftDayMovie . A #MustSee for all #NFL fans! Great peek inside the draft process! #KevinCostner at his best. Opens 4/11. #movies (Posted January 27th)

'Draft Day' should score with Cleveland Browns fans: Lowdown on Tuesday's sneak peek at football drama starring Kevin Costner and Jennifer Garner By Clint O'Connor:

Draft Day ‏@DraftDayMovie tweeted: #TeamRice or #TeamSanders, the road to @NFL #ProBowl begins with #DraftDay. Which team will find greatness on Sunday? (Posted January 22nd)

Marty Caswell ‏@MartyCaswell tweeted: Nothing like the chaos of radio row. Place should be nuts by Friday when Kevin Costner & Jennifer Garner are promoting Draft Day (Posted January 27th) (Producer/Reporter for the Darren Smith Show on The Mighty 1090 Sports Radio)

Justin K. ‏@jdK1051 tweeted: Actor Kevin Costner is comin into work in the next couple of weeks. I need to brush up on his movies. (Posted 8:29am January 3rd) On-Air K105 Salem/Youngstown/Canton Ohio @KCountry105 Columbiana County, Ohio

'Draft Day' Twitter page:

'Draft Day' Facebook page:

'Draft Day' Movie website:

michael mckinney ‏@Lastonetoleave tweeted: Saw Draft Day last night starring Kevin Costner and Jennifer Garner. There is a phone case in the film that everyone will want, guaranteed! (Posted January 24th)

The HaterNation Show ‏@TheHaterNation tweeted: @Screening passes to @DraftDayMovie w/ Kevin Costner. hit our contest page- & grab your tix.1/30, Regal Gallery Place (Posted January 24th)

Christina Peden ‏@christinapeden tweeted: I may or may not have a larger-than-life-sized cutout of Kevin Costner looking over my shoulder all… (Posted January 21st)

Chica Mutante ‏@Chica_Mutante tweeted: Kevin Costner en "Draft Day" (Posted January 3rd)

ATICLE: From the Press Box — ‘Draft Day’ movie could offer interesting insight. December 28, 2013 6:00 am By John Lee

Piru Creek Ranch commented: Life is interesting. Was reading on one of the goat health pages about feeding cabbage to goats. That afternoon a neighbor called and asked if we wanted some cabbage. Seems there was a film being made on his property and one scene contained a cabbage patch so he had all these cabbages to get rid of. We said yes. Turns out the film is about a football team from a small town in California whose coach (Kevin Costner) takes them to the state championship. They even had a cabbage patch planted on a platform so the camera would look up at Kevin Costner. Hope to see the movie when in comes out ... in the mean time our goats and pigs are enjoying cabbage! (Posted December 9th)

Picture by heart2soul03 - Lafarrah Davis Signing movie contracts for 'Draft Day'

Picture by lazlox - Galen T 'Draft Day' poster in theater:

Kevin Costner tries to save the Browns in the first Draft Day trailer December 24, 2013 | Written By: Brad Sturdivant Excerpt: The film actually looks decent and I love Costner in his sports movies, but it does feel like something the NFL put together. I guess that’s the price you pay when need them to support your film. See picture:

Kevin Costner returns to sports genre in Draft Day trailer Posted December 27th, 2013 by Tino Jochimsen Excerpt: His upcoming movie, the football dramedy Draft Day will test in how far the magic ‘Costner touch’ can be applied to the gridiron pastime. But the requirements for a good movie are definitely all there: a cast, best described as NICE (Denis Leary, Jennifer Garner, Frank Langella, Ellen Burstyn, Sam Elliott), a once-great director hungry for a long — overdue rebound (Ivan Reitman… and sorry for the wrong sports pun) and a script which nabbed the prestigious No. 1 spot on the 2012 Black List. Here’s hoping Draft Day turns out a touchdown!

Kevin Costner plays Browns GM in new football movie by Luke Hughes, NESN December 26, 2013 Excerpt: Jennifer Garner also plays a major role in the film, and, by the looks of the trailer, she plays the Dr. Molly Griswold role to Costner'€™s NFL adaptation of Roy McAvoy, challenging Costner to think outside the box and make the right decisions --€” hooray for Tin Cup references!

Griffin Newman ‏@GriffLightning tweeted: There's now a GIF of me dropping Kevin Costner's coffee in a loop, courtesy of @blergpwomp

From the Press Box — ‘Draft Day’ movie could offer interesting insight. December 28, 2013 6:00 am By John Lee

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

'Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit' clips by Paramount Pictures...

VIDEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Target TV Spot - by Paramount Pictures Published on Dec 20, 2013

VIDEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Prepare Spot - by Paramount Pictures Published on Jan 7, 2014

VIDEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Introducing Jack - by Paramount Pictures Published on Jan 9, 2014

VIDEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Introducing Cathy - by Paramount Pictures Published on Jan 11, 2014

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Deeper - by Paramount Pictures Published on Jan 17, 2014

VIDEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Blast - by Paramount Pictures Published on Jan 20, 2014

VIDEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Clip - Chase - by Paramount Pictures Published on Jan 16, 2014

VIDEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Ready - by Paramount Pictures Published on Jan 20, 2014

VIDEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Must See - by Paramount Pictures Published on Jan 20, 2014

VIDEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Solve - by Paramount Pictures Published on Jan 20, 2014

VIDEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Back - by Paramount Pictures Published on Jan 20, 2014

VIDEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Legend - by Paramount Pictures Published on Jan 20, 2014

VIDEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Think Again - by Paramount Pictures Published on Jan 20, 2014

VIDEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Therapy - by Paramount Pictures Published on Jan 20, 2014

VIDEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - TV Spot - by Paramount Pictures Published on Jan 22, 2014

VIDEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Comflix - by Paramount Pictures Published on Jan 22, 2014

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Clip - Cathy is Kidnapped - by Paramount Pictures Published on Jan 22, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

Much more from 'Jack Ryan'...

Interview with Kevin Costner - Posted by Interview People

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit's Chris Pine: 'I learned from Kevin Costner' By Justin Harp

French Ryan Initiative Poster:

EP Cine ‏@EPcine tweeted: Kevin Costner, el hombre que forja a #JackRyan en #OPERACIÓNSOMBRA … Estreno el 31 de enero (Posted January 23rd)

Dr. Kyle Changsta ‏@DrChangsta tweeted: Rushed these but saw Kevin Costner just yards from me at the Jack Ryan premiere last week.… (Posted January 23rd)

VIDEO: Kevin Costner took on Jack Ryan to work with Kenneth Branagh PacificRimVideoPress Published on Jan 16, 2014 Front Row Features Wire | Pacific Rim Video correspondent Chris Trondsen talks to Kevin Costner during the Los Angeles Premiere of "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit" held at the TCL Chinese Theater in Hollywood, CA on Wednesday, January 15, 2014.

VIDEO: Chris Pine & Kevin Costner Talk "Jack Ryan" E! Entertainment Published on Jan 22, 2014 The men of "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit" dish on the film's crazy stunts and what they got costar Keira Knightley for a wedding gift!

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Kenneth Branagh interview Interview by Rob Carnevale:

this is jordie ‏@jordie_bfc tweeted: @DanClarkEsq this my mate @richardsmith069 with the kevin of costner (Posted January 24th)

Picture by ester3xx

Kevin Costner interview: Jack Ryan, and missing out on Superman Feature Den Of Geek:

Brian Collins ‏@BrianWCollins tweeted: There are three Kevin Costner posters up at the AMC Burbank right now. This is the way life should be. (Posted January 25th)

N AlMutawa ‏@NaaNoosha86 tweeted: ❤️❤️❤️Kevin Costner❤️❤️❤️ Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit RECOMMENDED 💕💕💕💕 (Posted January 25th)

See the pictures and article: Hollywood stars Keira Knightly, Kevin Costner, Sir Kenneth Branagh and Chris Pine descend on Barnet Council offices to film Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit by Chris Hewett

Saturday, January 25, 2014

More from the Albany Quail Conservation Event...

Christian Flick ‏@cflick10 tweeted: So my dad is just causally hanging out with Kevin Costner right now... (Posted 3:11pm January 24th)

Katie Carter ‏@Katie_Carter8 tweeted: Not a bad day when you have Kevin Costner and Chris Breed on you quail hunting crew! @ Magnolia… (Posted 4:41pm January 24th)

Sierra Milligan ‏@sierrasmilligan tweeted: Just met Kevin Costner! #FFA #QuailAlbany (Posted 5:01pm January 24th)

Sierra Milligan ‏@sierrasmilligan tweeted: Kevin Costner!! (Posted 6:05pm January 24th)

Kitty Kryptonite ‏@Bo_Osie2kinKy tweeted: kinda dark but my ma met Kevin Costner he's important! lol #ManOfSteel #TheBodyguard (Posted 6:18pm January 24th)

PLM † ‏@presleylayne tweeted: Where's my picture with Kevin Costner?? #Albany #TheBodyguard #QuailsUnlimited (Posted 7:06pm January 24th)

Rick Lanford ‏@Laudis1958 tweeted: Quail Albany was Awesome. Had lunch with Kevin Costner.@dscotthagan @MiddleGaFca @bgosden @jdsmit5 @BishopJamesKing (Posted January 25th)

Morgan Shipman ‏@morganabanana89 tweeted: Apparently Kevin Costner was in Albany today and I didn't get to see him. 😿 (Posted 6:53pm January 25th)

Katherine Clarke ‏@kitty_clarke98 tweeted: ¿Why are my parents with Kevin Costner? (Posted 7:33pm January 25th)

VIDEO: Celebrity quail hunt wraps up with concert By Aaryn Valenzuela:
WFXG FOX54 Augusta - Your News One Hour Earlier

Friday, January 24, 2014

KC & MW to play Arcada Theatre, St. Charles, Illinois...

Kevin Costner and Modern West to play The Arcada Theatre, 105 E Main St, St. Charles, Illinois, on Monday, April 21, 2014, at 7:00pm. Tickets "on sale soon" so check their website:!tour/cxd8    or call 1-888-695-0888 for a Ticket Representative.!kevin-costner/c17h9

All of Kevin Costner and Modern West's concert dates:

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Kevin attends Quail Albany Celebrity Conservation Event...

Cameron Evans ‏@CameronEvans56 tweeted: Going hunting with Kevin Costner next week! (Posted January 12th)

Cameron Evans ‏@CameronEvans56 tweeted: @Leeguitarshreds yep! Going to a celebrity quail hunt in Albany

Tori Alexander ‏@_Torrence_ tweeted: My dad is going to shoot skeet with Kevin Costner tomorrow so there's that. (Posted January 22nd)

Tori Alexander ‏@_Torrence_ tweeted: "An Oscar-winning Hollywood superstar is one of the celebrities in town for an annual celebrity quail hunt." IT'S KEVIN COSTNER (Posted January 23rd)

Austin Murphy ‏@AustinMurphy13 tweeted: It was awesome to meet Kevin Costner tonight! (in Albany, Georgia) (Posted January 23rd)

See the pictures, article and video: Oscar-winning Hollywood star is one celebrity quail hunter By Ben Roberts:, Albany News, Weather, Sports

Quail Albany Celebrity Conservation Event January 22 - 25, 2014:

Your Invitation:



Schedule of Events:

Saturdays concert of the year:

Article about the event: Quail Albany gives celebrity event a local flavor - Conservation hunt, skeet shoot, golf tournament part of Quail Albany event By Carlton Fletcher:

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

More 'Jack Ryan' pictures, videos and interviews....

Paramount Pictures ‏@ParamountUK tweeted: Keira Knightley or Kevin Costner? #TellJack who to trust in Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit this Friday! #JackRyanMovie (Posted January 15th)

Jess ‏@JessWink22 tweeted: Chris Pine & Kevin Costner (Posted January 20th)

Two Premiere pictures:

Baz Agoro ‏@TheBazAgoro tweeted: Film premiere tonight for Jack Ryan - Shadow Recruit. Kevin Costner returns to the screens. I never… (European Premiere Posted January 20th)

Style LimeLight ‏@stylelimelight tweeted: Bad thing of the night. Kevin Costner was not there. 😭 and he is THE ONE AND ONLY. #london #movie… (Posted January 20th)

Picture (VIDEO if you're in the UK or ITV Region)

Picture by baileytct7 - Mick Bailey:

VIDEO: L'attore e regista di "Balla coi lupi" torna al cinema nei panni di un agente della CIA in "Jack Ryan: L'iniziazione": Intanto, in Italia, è su Retequattro nella serie western "Hatfields & McCoys". L'intervista di Silvia Bizio

Forget Chris Pine! Keira Knightley Gushes Over Her 'Sexy' Jack Ryan Co-Star Kevin Costner Excerpt: Chatting at the press conference in London this week, Keira admitted that Costner was: "absolutely lovely, very sexy. I only did one scene with him and I wish I'd done more. He was a total delight."

HeyUGuys commented: This is the day we met Kevin Costner on the set of Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. He was gracious, witty and very, very cool. Read our interview with him for his new film, out on Friday. The man is a legend.

On Set Interview: Kevin Costner talks Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit By Jon Lyus

Kevin Costner Celebrate Birthday In Disneyland by Matt Shine | 21 January 2014

VIDEO: Kevin Costner - Jack Ryan movie premiere. by Danny Lily Published on Jan 20, 2014 Kevin Costner saying hi to the fans.

Monday, January 20, 2014

KC & MW to play The Paramount in New York...

Kevin Costner and Modern West are to play The Paramount, 370 New York Avenue, Huntington, New York, on Sunday, April 13, 2014 at 8:00pm. Ticket presale begins Wednesday, January 22, 2014 at 10:00am. The Paramount website:

Kevin at Disneyland for his birthday...

Brittany ‏@BrittOwesNothin tweeted: @DisneylandCeleb Kevin Costner or whatever his name was at mad t party in DCA about 30 minutes ago (Posted 7:38pm January 17th)

Elle Bright ~ Author ‏@Elle_Bright tweeted: I just met Kevin Costner at Disneyland and it totally made my night. :) I'm such a nerd, but proud of it. (Posted 8:16pm January 17th)

Lauren Cardenas ‏@lolocarnitas tweeted: Just met and took a selfie with Kevin Costner at Disneyland! Dreams really do come true! 🏰🐭 #omg… (Posted 8:21pm January 17th)

Disneyland Celebs ‏@DisneylandCeleb tweeted: ***SPOTTED!*** Kevin Costner is at DCA! #DisneylandCelebs (Posted 8:45pm January 17th)

Dan - Tasmic! ‏@Dan_Tasmic tweeted: Anyone at #MadTParty see Kevin Costner at @DCAToday tonight, :) (Posted 9;16pm January 17th)

Julia Southwick ‏@JRsouthwick tweeted: 1) I've always had a crush on Kevin Costner. 2) He was at CA Adventures the same time I was today...and close by 3) I didn't see him 4) :( (Posted 9:56pm January 17th)

Jennifer Marie ‏@JennMarieCarson tweeted: I cant believe Kevin Costner was AT the Tparty last night at the same time I was but I was too captivated by shakin' booties to notice!!! (Posted January 18th)

Megan Jennings ‏@megelizzzabeth tweeted: Kevin Costner is in the park today, just saw him on Indiana Jones. Should of yelled "f yeah Tin Cup" (Posted 3:44pm January 18th)

Gretchen Mayes ‏@G_aMAYESing tweeted: That awkward moment when you try to tag Kevin Costner on Twitter cause you saw him at work today but he doesn't have one. (Posted 3:57pm January 18th)

Scarlett ♡ ‏@PeculiarPFemme tweeted: My Grandma spent Kevin Costner's birthday with him today! (Posted 3:57pm January 18th)

larrytalk ‏@Larrytalk tweeted: Just spotted Kevin Costner leaving disneyland #Disneyland (Posted 4:52pm January 18th)

Jessy Auger ‏@cyanvain tweeted: Kevin Costner behind me in line at Disneyland? Pretty sweet (Posted 7:03pm January 18th)

Kimberly ‏@Lomara tweeted: So we were just chatting with Kevin Costner here in the line for Soarin' over California. Nice man. (Posted 9:32pm January 18th)

ღ gℓαмσя ღ ‏@TenaciousGlamor tweeted: Okay so I got to see Kevin Costner and John Travolta!! John Travolta actually spoke to me! Guys... I saw Danny Zuco!! I work at Disneyland and I work on pirates of the Carribbean (Posted January 19th)

ღ gℓαмσя ღ ‏@TenaciousGlamor tweeted: I'm still freaking over Kevin Costner and John Travolta. *~* (Posted January 19th)

Picture by amyb1076:

Picture by lil_fenoughty - Erin Fenoughty:

Picture by thedrewskii - Andrew Davis:

VIDEO: Kevin Costner is set to celebrate his 59th birthday with his kids at the happiest place on earth - Disneyland by Celia Paul:

Alexa Fishman ‏@alexa_fishman tweeted: Just spoke to Kevin Costner and he touched my hand as we spoke 😭❤️ such a brilliant actor (Posted 9:10am January 19th)

Alexa Fishman ‏@alexa_fishman tweeted: @DShehadeh_ he was so nice! I just told him I loved him in Rumor Has It, and he was so appreciative 💕 (At The Grove) (Posted 9:42am January 19th)

Alexa Fishman ‏@alexa_fishman tweeted: Still can't believe I met Kevin Costner today, and he held my hand (Posted January 19th)

Broc Barthel ‏@BrocBarthel tweeted: My mom just told me that her boss KEVIN COSTNER invited our family to his ranch in Aspen and SHE SAID NO. #smh #MissTheXGames (Posted January 18th)

Rafael Martinez ‏@koolaidrafa tweeted: Can you tell I'm excited? About to check out my boss Kevin Costner in #JackRyanShadowRecruit ! God is Awesome. (Posted January 19th)

'Jack Ryan' Premiere pictures and poster:

Sunday, January 19, 2014

More of 'Jack Ryan' videos and pictures...

VIDEO: 'Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit' Hollywood Premiere: How Is This Jack Ryan Different?

Premiere pictures:

Picture by artmontbeauty:

Picture by sandralynnmusic - Sandra Lynn:

Picture by juliansmum - April Love Sebastian-Stevenson:

Picture by flickfilms - Movie Reviewer:

Pictures by ric_govea - Ric Govea:

Picture by amylingevents - Premiere After Party:

Picture by maritonikhaledi - Maritoni Khaledi - Now Showing 'Jack Ryan' poster:

VIDEO: Kevin Costner explains how “Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit” felt like real life:

Picture by goldtop83 - Debbie from Jimmy Kimmel show:

Picture by artmontbeauty from Jimmy Kimmel show:

Picture by everybodylovesrandy - Randy Little:

Picture by timothyparish - Timothy Parish:

Picture by majorsloth1988 - Roberto "Robknivz" Nieves:

Picture by docchimrichalds - Scott, Time Lord Of Edmonton:

Picture by sjraja - saadia raja:

Picture by nick_shariff - Nick Shariff:

Picture by theprivatescreen:

Picture by theruman - Ru:

Picture by mia_edu - Maria Nunes:

Saturday, January 18, 2014

More from the 'Jack Ryan' premiere and GMA video...

VIDEO: Kevin Costner and Chris Pine Interview Costner Gets Second Chance at Jack Ryan Movie ABCNews Published on January 17, 2014

Movie Screenings ‏@crazy_4_movies tweeted: Just saw the screening of @JackRyanMovie with Kevin Costner @modernwest and Chris Pine. This spy thriller with good action is a must see. (Posted January 15th)

Renie Hale ‏@Coaster_DC tweeted: Went with @justaskjustine to see screening of Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. Good action movie with Chris Pine/Kevin Costner. #CaptKirkInMoscow (Posted January 15th)

Bobby Parrish ‏@FlavCity tweeted: Kevin Costner sighting! #JackRyan #ShadowRecruit premier. #Hollywood (Posted 9:23pm January 15th)

More 'Jack Ryan' Premiere pictures:

John Photography commented: Kevin Michael Costner attends the premiere of Paramount Pictures' 'Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit' at TCL Chinese Theatre on January 15, 2014 in Hollywood, California. #JackRyanShadowRecruit #johnphotography

CharlotteToday WCNC ‏@Charlotte2day tweeted: Coming up at 11am! We talk to the stars of the new movie Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit and find out why Kevin Costner says he makes long movies. (Posted January 16th)

The Project ‏@theprojecttv tweeted: Tonight on #theprojecttv: @scottdools catches up with 'Jack Ryan' stars Kenneth Branagh, Chris Pine & Kevin Costner! (Posted January 15th)

AdPock ‏@AdPoc tweeted: #ShadowRecruit-er Kevin Costner tells me how Richard Burton helped convince him to become an actor: #ThankYouDick (Posted January 15th)

See the video and article by Adam Pockross entitled: How Richard Burton Helped Kevin Costner Fly:

VIDEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit: Kevin Costner Premiere Interview

Chris Trondsen ‏@ChrisTrondsen tweeted: PIC of me here at the "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit" movie premiere feat. Chris Pine, Kevin Costner & Keira Knightley! Can't wait for you guys to see the interviews on Front Row Features / @pacificrimvideo & KSCI LA Channel 18! (Posted January 15th)

Jasmine With ‏@JasmineMaeW tweeted: Tonight I saw Chris Pine, Keira Knightley, and Kevin Costner. Oh...and I literally got to ATTEND THE PREMIERE AND WATCH THE MOVIE! (Posted January 15th)

VIDEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit PREMIERE by jamiestarr319a Published on Jan 18, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014

More from Kimmel, the Premiere and interviews...

More pictures of Kevin on Jimmy Kimmel:

Pictures posted from Jimmy Kimmel Live!:

Fran Carpenter ‏@willowfrantn tweeted: “@JoshCharles: Kevin Costner on kimmel- he was so super nice to me and gave me a part in his film////He 's my celeb crush!! Show was GREAT! (Posted January 14th)

Pictures from the Premiere:

VIDEO: Kevin Costner arrives at the Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit premiere in Hollywood by HollywoodReadyVideos Published on Jan 16, 2014 Kevin loves his fans.

VIDEO: Clancy's Jack Ryan Returns to Save the World by FoxNewsCnnNews Published on Jan 16, 2014

VIEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Premiere Interview - Chris Pine (2014) - Kevin Costner Movie HD by Scandal TV· Published on Jan 16, 2014

VIDEO: Kevin Costner & Christine Baumgartner Kiss at Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit Premiere Chinese Theatre by PopCandiesTv Published on Jan 16, 2014

VIDEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit: Kevin Costner "Thomas Harper" World Premiere Interview by ScreenSlam ScreenSlam Published on Jan 16, 2014

VIDEO: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Premiere - Kevin Costner (Thomas Harper) by gofobo Published on Jan 16, 2014

Picture from the press junket:

Audio: Kevin Costner Discusses Career Longevity...& His Thoughts on Minivans:

See the picture and Interview: Kevin Costner on going supporting for ‘Jack Ryan’ By Matt Prigge:

Interview: Jack Ryan's Chris Pine: Kevin Costner Is 'Wonderful & Gracious,' A True Movie Star by Access Hollywood

Article: Branagh, Pine bring 'Jack Ryan' to a new century By Bryan Alexander, USA Today

Press Conference Interview With The Cast And Director Of Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit by Ben Kenber:

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Pictures of Kevin from the 'Jack Ryan' Premiere...

Premiere Of Paramount Pictures' "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit" - Red Carpet at TCL Chinese Theatre on January 15, 2014 in Hollywood, California, pictures:|Kevin+Costner|9030E1DA4EEC4A85A973FAF4BA3CCB3A&toItem=15&orderBy=Newest[463113423]&ep=1/60/1&s=3^artists.sql&q1=%22Jack%20Ryan%3A%20Shadow%20Recruit%22%20Los%20Angeles%20Premiere%20-%20Arrivals&q2=Costner&x-start=0&ps=1&xgrouped=1

Picture by Chrissy Jean @chrissyjeanz

Pictures by Sthanlee B Mirador @Sthanlee

Picture by johnphotography - John Photography

Pictures by elvasaray - Elva Saray

Picture by tonycabreratv - Tony Cabrera

Picture by laura_londonlove - Laura*\\(^o^)/*

Picture by nmiuppa

Picture by davidsyner - David Syner

Picture by victoriatouyen - Victoria To Uyen

Picture by nicolepajer Nicole Pajer

Picture by christineholly

Picture by dybf08

Pictures by neil_did_what - Neil Forcadela

Picture by monica_wibowo - Monica Wibowo

Picture by chinesetheatres - TCL Chinese Theatres - This Friday #jan17th in IMAX #JackRyan

Picture by jackdignan - Jack Dignan

Picture by caylinnieto - Midtown New York City

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

TV ALERT: Kevin on 'Good Morning America'...

TV ALERT: Kevin Costner will be on 'Good Morning America' on Friday, January 17, 2014. Check your local listings for the time!

KC & MW to play Seneca Allegany Casino, New York...

Kevin Costner and Modern West will perform at the Seneca Allegany Events Center on Saturday, April 12, 2014, at 7:00pm. Tickets for the show start at $35 and go on sale Monday, January 20, 2014, at Noon. Tickets for all shows are available at Seneca Casino box offices,, all Ticketmaster locations or by phone at 800-745-3000. Seneca Allegany Events Center is located at 777 Seneca Allegany Blvd, Salamance, New York.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

More from Kimmel and more pictures and interviews...

Picture from Jimmy Kimmel show:

Harry Connick, Jr. ‏@HarryConnickJR tweeted: .@jimmykimmel was so fun tonight - and how cool to hang with #kevincostner ? i'm a lucky guy... (Posted 9:31pm January 13th)

Roddy Chong commented: I've learned so much from this man. Dinner w/ Kevin Costner last night. #mentorship — eating dinner at Public Kitchen & Bar.

Public Kitchen & Bar in the Roosevelt Hotel, 7000 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, California

Krikor Kable Bezdjian commented: Met Kevin Costner yesterday, and he took a picture with me, and had a Milli second conversation with him! (Posted January 14th)

VIDEO: Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner in Hollywood by SuperPopACCESS Published on Jan 14, 2014 - Celebrity Sightings in Los Angeles on 2014-01-13 in Los Angeles, California. Thanks for watching this video! Video Credit: Getty Images

Megan Alexander ‏@MeganAlexander1 tweeted: Just saw #JackRyan - perfect fit for @ChrisPineNetwrk - loved Kevin Costner too! #Spoiler #MustSee #goodStoryLine (Posted 7:14pm January 14th)

Picture by missgermantv - Silke Burmeister

A picture with Kevin in it from the 'Shadow Recruit' Movie website:

Picture by David Goodman - DavidAGoodman - 'Jack Ryan' Billboard

UIP Indonesia ‏@UIPIndonesia tweeted: 2 hari lagi, Kevin Costner berperan sbg Harper. #JackRyan : #ShadowRecruit tayang mulai 16 Jan di bioskop dan (Posted January 13th)

Chris Pine, Kevin Costner and Kenneth Branagh on Pressures of Resurrecting Jack Ryan by Cine Movie

Ready for His Close-Up: Kevin Costner on aging, fitness and “Jack Ryan” By Cindy Pearlman January 14, 2014

Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Kenneth Branagh, and Producers Mace Neufeld and Lorenzo di Bonaventura Talk JACK RYAN: SHADOW RECRUIT by Sheila Roberts

Kevin Costner is Out of the ‘Shadow’ to Play Mentor Role by Angela Dawson

John Photography tweeted: Shooting the 'Jack Ryan' movie premiere with cast members Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Kiera Knightly et al. (Posted January 14th)

katie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ‏@EnemaOfTheKatie tweeted: Kevin Costner is on daybreak next Tuesday (UK show) (Posted January 14th)

"A Serious Sniper" JACK RYAN SHADOW RECRUIT Movie Clip # 3 by Fresh Movie Trailers Published on Jan 13, 2014
