SI Associates @SmithsonianTSA tweeted: @modernwest "when I get an invitation from the Smithsonian it's usually because I took something" -Kevin Costner #CostneratSI
Elizabeth Z Bartz @ElizabethBartz tweeted: Night at the Smithsonian Museum with @modernwest aka Kevin Costner. (Posted October 23rd)
Producer Gedalia @ProducerGedalia tweeted: Thanks for making @ExplorersGuild possible @SmithsonianTSA #KevinCostner @modernwest @JohnBairdAuthor #RickRoss (Posted October 23rd)
janeroser - Jane Roser: Kevin Costner looking dapper and being oh so charming and witty at tonight's Smithsonian hosted discussion about his new book The Explorer's Guild #jonbaird #kevincostner #smithsonian #rickross #theexplorersguild (Posted October 23rd)
TV Magazine @Insidelooktvmag tweeted: #KevinCostner & #JohnBaird say they found #RickRoss on @craigslist for @ExplorersGuild @SmithsonianTSA @modernwest VIDEO at link
Jamie Greene @theroarbots tweeted: Thanks to @SmithsonianTSA for a great event tonight with Kevin Costner for Explorer's Guild. (Posted October 23rd)
producergedalia - Producer Gedalia: #KevinCostner at the @smithsonian speaking about the book release of #TheExplorersGuild with #JohnBaird and #RickRoss Look out for this book it's #AMAZING! (Posted October 23rd)
Torture Rackintyre @a_mac124 tweeted: So basically I went to this "a conversation with" type event today with Jon Baird, Kevin Costner, and Rick Ross For their new graphic novel called "The Explorers Guild" and it looks beautiful I'll post pictures when I'm not sitting in a car LOOK SO PRETTY
thesmithsonianassociates - The Smithsonian Associates: Epic night with Kevin Costner, Jon Baird, and Rick Ross! #CostneratSI #ExplorersGuild #SeriouslyAmazing #epic #adventure #classic #storytelling #kevincostner (Posted October 23rd)
Anne A. Elicaño @AElicano tweeted: Listened to #KevinCostner @modernwest promote @ExplorersGuild in DC. I've managed to make my mum & aunts jealous. (Posted October 24th)
NativeRunner @sgiampetroni9 tweeted: My Bodyguard. #KevinCostner (Posted October 24th)
NativeRunner @sgiampetroni9 tweeted: In town today at Politics and Prose. #KevinCostner #JonBaird TheExplorersGuild (Posted October 24th)
kellyrenee1979 - Kelly C: a Just happened to be here visiting Politics & Prose bookstore @politics_prose at the same time as Kevin Costner #kevincostner #jonbaird #rickross #theexplorersguild #authorevent #politicsandprose #KellyVisitsChristy (Posted October 24th)
Amita Shukla @AmitaShukla tweeted: Wonderful to be at @Politics_Prose listening to Kevin Costner (@modernwest) talk about @ExplorersGuild (Posted October 24th)
Amita Shukla @AmitaShukla tweeted: "We found #RickRoss on @craigslist" -Kevin Costner (@modernwest) talking about @ExplorersGuild @Politics_Prose (Posted October 24th)
Amita Shukla @AmitaShukla tweeted: When I read a good #book my first instinct is to share it" -Kevin Costner (@modernwest) @ExplorersGuild @Politics_Prose (Posted October 24th)
Deah Hester @deahreads tweeted: Author Visit: Kevin Costner and Jon Baird and Rick Ross @Politics_Prose #ExplorersGuild (Posted October 24th)
Amita Shukla @AmitaShukla tweeted: "Everything I've had to do has been an uphill battle" -Kevin Costner (@modernwest) talking about @ExplorersGuild @Politics_Prose (Posted October 24th)
Amita Shukla @AmitaShukla tweeted: "In my career, I feel like I'm like an emotional detective" -Kevin Costner (@modernwest) talking about @ExplorersGuild @Politics_Prose (Posted October 24th)
Keith Donohue @keithdonohue1 tweeted: Fun afternoon @Politics_Prose with Rick Ross, Kevin Costner, Jon Baird on @ExplorersGuild (Posted October 24th)
producergedalia - Producer Gedalia: Great time working with #KevinCostner a long tiring day but totally worth it. I wish him luck with his new book #TheExplorersGuild get your copy it is totally good! (Posted October 24th)
Great Day Washington @greatdaywash tweeted: We spoke with Kevin Costner and co-author Jon Baird about their book The Explorers Guild (Posted October 24th)
The Diane Rehm Show @drshow tweeted: Kevin Costner, author: He teamed with Jon Baird & Rick Ross for @ExplorersGuild (Posted October 25th)