walking_man_staug - Troy Blevins: #johndutton #tincup #modernwest #fieldofdreams #bulldurham #kevincostner @juddwhite photo cred #theamp (October 25, 2021)
Liza Rosa: Actor Kevin Costner is on St. Augustine. 😱😱 Tonight he will be with his music band at the amphitheater. This photo, not mine, but it's the actor leaving the Hotel Renaissance of Downtown St Augustine (October 26, 2021)
Alexis Surber: had a good time in st augustine today! got to meet kevin costner (October 25, 2021)
Chris Rolandelli: St Aug bound! Show tonight at the AMP! Judd White Mark Gillard Glenn Kleczkowski (October 25, 2021)
Kevin Costner's Legacy: After travelling over 600 miles from Knoxville Tennessee to St Augustine Florida for the Tales from Yellowstone Fall tour 2021 with his band Modern West, KC stretched his legs by taking a stroll through the streets of the oldest city in the U.S visiting local shops and restaurants. 25.10.2021.
Kevin Costner's Legacy: Wyatt Earp aka Kevin Costner got a chance to meet yesterday the peacekeepers of the Nations Oldest city. Chief Michaux and the St. Augustine Police Department presented Costner with SAPD’s version of the hat he wore in 1994 film Wyatt Earp! (October 26, 2021)
its_me_carriet - Carrie Tomon: You guys. Oh em gee!!! Thank you sir for taking a moment to indulge a couple of fans for a photo and a quick hello. Looking forward to tonight’s concert with @kevincostnermodernwest (October 25, 2021)
Earl Hine: Kevin Costner at Amphitheater St Augustine great concert (October 25, 2021)
Lanny K. Wilson Sr.: Opening Song Kevin Costner this eve .. St.Augustine Fl amp.. Great Show (October 25, 2021)
shay_shay904 - Shay Messervey: Another great night making memories with my people 🤩 #kevincostnerandmodernwest #kevincostner #staugamp #makingmemories (October 26, 2021)
trailruns100 - Keith Daniels: Enjoying Kevin Costner and Mountain West. The opening act, Crawford & Power was sensational! Beautiful place to watch a show! #kevincostner (October 26, 2021)
celestewerkheiser - Celeste Werkheiser: #kevincostner @theampsa last night 🎵 (October 26, 2021)
tbarnett7245 - Tina Barnett: Great night last night!! #kevincostnermodernwest (October 26, 2021)
its_me_carriet - Carrie Tomon: Hubby and I had a belated anniversary getaway that ended with seeing @kevincostnermodernwest at the St. Augustine Amphitheater. We had an amazing time with outstanding seats! We also had the absolute pleasure to meet Kevin earlier in the day when he walked right by us in historic downtown! Thank you honey for a fabulous date weekend I wouldn’t choose to live this life with anyone but you (October 26, 2021)
Tamara Gress: OMG look who I met tonight...Kevin Costner !!! (October 25, 2021)
Tamera Gress: Okay here's the scoop. Crawford and Power (Eric's band) opened for Modern West (Costner's band) in St. Augustine FL last night. We have been on Tybee Island for the past week so we were only 3 hours away and thought why not go. Eric got us backstage and that's when we met Kevin. Tim shook hands with him but I asked for a picture and he said sure. What a great way to end our camping season! (October 25, 2021)
Crawford & Power @crawfordnpower tweeted: Had an amazing time opening up for Kevin Costner last night at the beautiful @TheAmpSA! (October 26, 2021)
Kevin Costner performing "Hey Man What About You?" live on stage at the Amphitheater of St Augustine in Florida as part of the Tales from Yellowstone Fall tour 2021 with his band Modern West on Monday 25.10.2021.
Lisa Stokley: The St. Augustine concert 10.25.21 Awesome! (October 27, 2021)
Frank Tappan: Kevin Costner and Modern West. St Augustine Florida at the Amphitheater. (October 26, 2021)
Joy Blakely: My idle, Kevin Costner live St. Augustine Florida (October 26, 2021)
Cheryl Young: Kevin Costner & Modern West’ Awesome! #staugustineamp #livemusic #kevincostner #modernwest (October 25, 2021)
Log Home Mom Yeah we had a moment ❤️ And he pointed at me during the concert ❤️ Kevin Costner & Modern West Thanks Kevin! Log Home Dad and I had a wonderful time! You don’t know how much we needed this! (October 25, 2021)
turtledrums: Enjoyed a great crowd at St Augustine theater in Florida with an acoustic Crawford & Power opening for Kevin Costner & Modern West (October 26, 2021)
Kevin Costner's Legacy: 25.10.2021. Kevin Costner and Modern West "Tales from Yellowstone" Fall tour 2021. Before travelling back to Tennessee for tonight's show in Nashville, here is some pics taken last night concert at the Amphitheater of St Augustine in Florida. (October 26, 2021)