Monday, November 24, 2008

A TV Alert, a photo gallery, and a KC quote….

GAC 484 - That’s Great American Country TV has “Top 20 Country Countdown”, found it at the following link:
When you click on the link it just says Blake Shelton & Kevin Costner and gives the dates of November 28th and 29th, 2008 and the times. The episode description at the GACTV link says: This week Nan Kelley has two guests to be thankful for: her talented country music brother, Blake Shelton and movie-star-turned-country-singer, Kevin Costner. Check your local listings!

There’s a Photo Gallery at GACTV at the following link:,3028,GAC_26071_5939330_,00.html
Click on the thumbnail and then click on the larger picture for the largest picture! Picture Caption: Host Suzanne Alexander and special guest Kevin Costner on the set of GAC Nights. There’s also some great CMA Kickoff Concert pictures!

And here’s another quote from Kevin about the reason he started singing with the band again, from an interview with Calvin Gilbert, dated November 21, 2008 and entitled: Kevin Costner Takes a Musical Route A Cinematic Modern Truths Blends Roots Rock With Country: "I find myself all over the country, and when I want to go out, a lot of time it ends up being a lot of handshaking and autographing. I thought, 'How about when I get to all these places, why not just go play music. And if you want to be around me, you can be there and I can be here, and by the end of the night, we'll have talked on some real level.' And that's where that started." You can find the full interview at the following link:

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