The Heartland Network @watchheartland commented: Its been a productive day at Heartland. #staytuned #sneakpeek#sneakpeek #staytuned (Posted September 24th)
Adrian Stewart @EyeSoCrayZ tweeted: my Meaghan O'Leary got to work with the producers ETC of Kevin Costner's new gig YELLOWSTONE... #TRUTH (Posted October 24th)
Tricia Young commented: Kevin Costner, pictured on the right, is in Darby Montana to film a series called Yellowstone. My cousin’s husband in the middle is one of the extras. We are so excited and cannot wait till the series... (Posted October 24th)
David Sylvester commented: Apparently Kevin Costner is going to make a movie in the Bitterroot. Casting call this afternoon. (Hamilton, Montana) (Posted August 6th)
The Edge celebrates 20 years by Michelle McConnaha October 26, 2017
James Davis commented: Roundtrip to Denver: 800$ Swapped Seats with a potential projectile vomiter: and Coke Talking movies about Kevin Costner with Kevin Costner... Priceless #Denver #KevinCostner #Incognito - Spotted him like a sore thumb esp when he was behind me talking with that distinct voice. (Posted October 15th)
Greer Guidry commented: He's really cool! Met him a few years ago when he was down here in New Orleans for the endymion parade. (Posted October 15th)
Rich Masterson They film some of the scenes at Chief Joseph Ranch South of Darby, MT. Look forward to watching the series to see if I recognize the Bitterroot Valley, and other parts of Montana. Probably just make me homesick (Posted October 23rd)
Tom Stockdale commented: Kevin Kostner's filming of the "Yellowstone" movie series is going on down here in Wisdom with the crew staying at the Spokane Ranch. Yesterday we were stopped on HW 43 west of the Big Hole Battlefield for about an hour while they shot some of it. Actually did not was going on as the MHP gave limited info & with a helicopter coming/going it looked from afar more like a bad accident and life flight on the scene. (Posted October 27th)
Cowboy Cool Services commented: Hamilton, Montana to play cowboy in Paramount Network Series "Yellowstone" with Kevin Costner! #Theyaregonnaputmeinthemovies #Theyaregonnamakeabigstaroutofme #AllIgottadoisactnaturally (Posted October 30th)
Andrew Erickson @akerickson88 tweeted: Movie being filmed at capital today and Kevin Costner is on location! I'll try to get a pic! (Posted November 2nd)
stefanireinhardt - Stefani Reinhardt: My favorite movie star is in town filming a television series about Montana! I drove by the set at lunch hoping for a peek but no dice. This would probably kill me if I hadn't already met him #KevinCostner #Yellowstone (Posted November 2nd)
New Kevin Costner TV series takes over Capitol Thursday by TOM KUGLIN November 2, 2017
Allison Nelson commented: Kevin Costner is here filming "Yellowstone" the mall parking lot looks like a fema base camp! (Helena, Montana) (Posted November 2nd)
Kaylon Mengel He was in Bozeman not long ago. I got a photograph, then we got on the plane together. Eeeeek! He just sat there across from me reading and we chitchated a we bit! (Posted November 3rd)
ride.montana - GABRIELLE STAMPER: Yellowstone Series🎬🎬 #stockfarmclub #kevincostner #kellyreilly #extras #hairandmakeup #onset #moviestarinthemaking #montanamadefilm (Posted November 3rd) (NOT KEVIN)
Brett Ashley Whitney is with Becca Troianos commented: Soaked with the film crew from Kevin Costner’s upcoming show Yellowstone at the hot springs last night. We also got chummy with the explosive and special effects guy. I am certain, this is the closest we’ll ever get to Hollywood. #bigflakeswerefalling #ourworkmeetingsrock #weexchangednumbers #hollywoodwantsourshampoo #cityboys #smallpenisjokesweremade (Posted November 3rd)
Sandra Williams 🎬 @swilliamsfilm tweeted: Headed to Utah tomorrow for the show Yellowstone with Kevin Costner. 📸📽🎬 #filmmaking #setlife #actress #actorslife #fil (Posted November 4th)
Chantelly D Bitton commented: That's right not a low budget film whoot whoot this girl is doing this tomorrow (Posted November 5th)
Paramount importance by Jesse Whittock November 6, 2017 Excerpt: ...premium original dramas such as Kevin Costner family drama Yellowstone.... “Yellowstone is an edgier version of Dallas, but it still lives in that place of optimism.” &bnsp;
Tan Tan @tagrox2002 tweeted: I look like a hick republican - I’m getting paid to eat food hehe - I HAVE A TRAILER?!? - Update: they didn’t want me to walk in the cold so they sent me on a really fancy bus down the block - They did my hair like a preppy nerd lowkey but it’s fine - I’ve never seen so many people turn down food in my life - Random moment when Wes Bentley told me “this thing is a clusterfuck!” - I’m like 5 feet away from Kevin Costner it’s fine (Posted November 6th)
Nathan Panfil commented: My best friend and his father who I call sexy, was a extra for a upcoming television show called "Yellowstone" produced by Kevin Costner which he saw on set. The episode he was part is directed by Taylor Sheridan who started as an actor in the show "Sons of Anarchy", wrote "Sicario", and directed and wrote "Wind River". Very exciting to have that experience, one day me and him will be on set together directing films together. Love you, Jiggly Puff! (Posted November 6th)
Kerry Sharp commented: I get to be an extra (cowboy) today for a new tv series called Yellowstone with Kevin Costner. (Posted November 6th)
Gerry Wagner commented: If anyone is wondering about all the trucks @ the outlaw there filming a tv series staring Kevin costner called Yellowstone - They have completely taken over Stevens henegar parking lot lol (Posted November 6th)
Stevens-Henager College commented: STAFF AND STUDENTS!!! This week our campus will be hosting an event where the front parking lot will be utilized for the production of a Kevin Costner film titled Yellowstone. We are asking that ALL FACULTY, STAFF & VISITOR STUDENTS please park in south east area of our parking lot beginning on Monday. Thank you in advance for your cooperation! (1890 S 1350 W, West Haven, Utah) (Posted November 6th)
Matt Champion photo (Posted November 6th):
Jack Gladd commented: Relaxing with Evie after a long day in Ogden participating in Yellowstone series as an extra. Quite an experience to say the least. Watch the series which premiere’s next Summer starring Kevin Costner. (Posted November 6th)
Original Kenventur commented: 14 hours on the set of Kevin Costner's new series "Yellowstone". Photos aren't great but photos aren't (Posted November 6th)
Allen Edelman commented: Congrats to Atticus Todd for booking 5th episode and counting in "Yellowstone." (Posted November 6th)
Dennis Chapple Jr. commented: I took a pic of Taylor Sheridan shooting a scene (Posted November 7th)
Christi Patrick commented: I am not affiliated with this at all, but thought some here might be interested in being extras on Kevin Costner's show. This scene is in Draper, but they also shoot in Park City sometimes. (Posted November 5th)
Lisa Lambros commented: So, at work yesterday we were not allowed to park in our regular parking lot. I simply thought they were repairing it. We found out today by a customer it was closed because they are filming a TV show with Kevin Costner in it called Yellowstone. I drove real slow today when I went by the parking lot but I did not see Kevin Costner just a lot of 5th wheel actor trailers . Pretty cool though. They are filming for a week so maybe I will Get an autograph or Kevin might come in for so lunch. Lol. (Murray. Utah) (Posted November 9th)
Heidi Johnson commented: A new tv series called Yellowstone with Kevin Costner is being filmed in Utah with parts being done here in Eagle Mountain. Might be worth checking out when it debuts in 2018 (Posted November 9th)
Eagle Mountain, Utah - City Hall commented: **Road Closure Update - Eagle Mountain Blvd** Due to illness of a key crew member, filming is cancelled for tonight and Eagle Mountain Blvd will remain open this evening. The production is the television show "Yellowstone" starring Kevin Costner. Filming will likely be rescheduled sometime after Thanksgiving. We appreciate your patience with the changes. (Posted November 9th)
LilyWarriorWoman @Lily_Warrior Replying to @cmclymer @AtreiyaN7 I met Kevin Costner while he was filming JFK in New Orleans. We talked for a bit. He was very friendly, very sweet, and really nice. (Posted November 10th)
Kristin ⚜️ @buttermilkdrop Retweeted Charles Clymer: Met Kevin Costner when he rode in Endymion and he was a genuinely nice and humble person. Talked to him for about 5 minutes. (Posted November 10th)
25th Street Treasures commented: One of the exciting things about being on 25th street is when the filming companies come to town. They are redoing the front of the waffle love building for a Kevin Costner series called Yellowstone. Yes we are open for business during the filming preparations. (Ogden, Utah) (Posted November 10th)
Ogden's Union Station Foundation commented: 60% off all of these wonderful gifts and decorations! and Kevin Costner is filming on 25th Street today. (Ogden, Utah) (Posted November 13th)
bellamusegallery - Bella Muse Gallery: They are filming a show with Kevin Costner outside the gallery. How cool is that. #artgallery #visitogden #kevincostner #ogden #ogdenutah #lovethistown (Posted November 13th)
bellamusegallery - Bella Muse Gallery: We are closed today. Couldn't get to gallery anyway due to filming a new show with Kevin Costner #shophistoric25thstreet #artgallery #ogden #visitogden (Posted November 13th)
Part of 25th Street closed for filming of new Kevin Costner TV series bt JANAE FRANCIS November 13, 2017 (OGDEN)
Tammy Haering Herker commented: My house is in it! It was fun to watch them film last week! (Posted November 13th)
Springville City commented: What do Cherry Creek Elementary and Kevin Costner have in common? They are both going to be in a new television series called Yellowstone that is expected to come out next year. (Posted November 14th)
Austin Horton @austinhorton commented: Thank you @UtahFilmStudios for hosting The Movie Zone on a tour of your facilities and the sets of "Yellowstone," starring Kevin Costner and directed by Taylor Sheridan. Can't wait to ride the range again soon. (Posted November 14th)
Emily Gillingwater to Spanish Fork News and Events commented: This is about the movie, Yellowstone that has been filming here in Spanish Fork as well as other areas in Utah. They filmed at the Fairgrounds a few weeks ago and most recently at the animal shelter. (Posted November 14th)
utahfilmstudios - Utah Film Studios: Another incredible day at Utah Film Studios! Governor Herbert and his amazing wife Jeanette showed up to visit the set of Yellowstone and met with Kevin Costner and Taylor Sheridan. #kevincostner #taylorsheridan #legends #modernwest #utahfilmstudios #filmcommunity #filmproduction #setlife #tvseries #yellowstonetvshow #staytuned (Posted November 15th)
John J Zenes commented: So where is Kevin Costner today? #BrokenRockPD #YellowStone (Posted November 15th)
Carolyn Nelson Taft commented: Drove up to Park City today and visited the Movie Studio that my daughters brother-in-law and his family own! They are filming a show called “Yellowstone” with Kevin Costner, and he is here (but in his trailer)....Ps.. The Governor of Utah was arriving at the studio any minute so I left quickly. (Posted November 15th)
Angela Hill commented: ....happened to sit near a Mom from the Ute Nation and her children....this Mom, her husband, and her children are all being featured in the upcoming Kevin Costner movie, that has been filming around Park City, Summit County, and Utah County. They are starring as Native American Dancers, and the kids told me that they loved filming their parts! (Posted November 16th)
Kevin Costner’s new TV series ‘Yellowstone’ is filming, and spending tons of money, all over Utah - Television • Utah is starring as Montana in “Yellowstone,” and the production is pumping $30 million into the state’s economy. By Scott D. Pierce November 17, 2017
tokala_clifford - Tokala Black Elk Clifford: Repost from @crystle_lightning Another day on set for "Yellowstone TV Series" Paramount. Sam Stands Alone & Verda on camera. #friends #actorslife #Yellowstone #tvshow #onset #paramount #ontheroad #kevincostner #taylorsheridan📣 #utah #utahfilmstudios #comingup #2018 #staytuned #tv #film #tokalablackelk #tokalaclifford (Posted November 17th)
B Brooks SJ Bobkins commented: They had North Ogden Divide shut down for a couple of nights this week to film; and if they are filming anywhere in the Huntsville, or Liberty area it's really nice. Lots of film productions are shot on 25th St in Ogden. I don't usually defend Ogden, but I get the connection to something called Yellowstone this time. (Posted November 18th)
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